Education | The Canadian Encyclopedia

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Displaying 586-600 of 600 results
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    W.J. Eccles

    William John Eccles, historian (b at Thirsk, Yorkshire, Eng 17 July 1917; d at Toronto 2 Oct 1998).

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    Yaron Ross

    Yaron Ross. Pianist, teacher, b Tel-Aviv 28 Apr 1950, naturalized Canadian 1986; BA (Tel-Aviv) 1975, Artist Diploma (Tel-Aviv) 1977, D MUS (Montreal) 1994.

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    Yolande Grisé

    Yolande Grisé, CM, FRSC, academic, writer, advocate for French language, arts and culture (born 1944 in Montreal, QC). Throughout her career, Grisé has promoted French language and culture in Canada. She supervised the first doctoral thesis on French literature at the University of Ottawa in 1983, developed the first cultural policy for Francophones living in Ontario in the early 1990s and was the first director at the Office of Francophone and Francophile Affairs at Simon Fraser University, which oversaw the first bilingual degree program in British Columbia. Grisé was also president of the Ontario Arts Council (1991–94) and the Royal Society of Canada (2011–13).

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    Yolande Villemaire

    Yolande Villemaire, teacher, writer (b at St-Augustin-des-Deux-Montagnes, Qué 28 Aug 1949). After studying dramatic arts at UQAM, where she received her BA (1970) and MA (1974), she taught creative literature at the Rosemont CEGEP.

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    Yves Beauchemin

    Yves Beauchemin, writer (b at Noranda, Québec; d 26 June 1941). Before becoming a Radio-Québec researcher, Beauchemin taught and worked in publishing.

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    Yves Chartier

    Yves Chartier. Musicologist, teacher, b Thetford-les-Mines Que, 18 Aug 1942; Lauréat AMQ piano 1959, BA french, latin (Ottawa) 1964, MA classics (Ottawa) 1965, Docteur en musicologie (Paris-Sorbonne) 1973. He began teaching at Ottawa U in 1969.

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    Yves Daoust

    Daoust, Yves. Composer, teacher, b Longueuil, near Montreal 10 Apr 1946. Daoust began studies in piano at age seven, wrote a film soundtrack for "prepared" piano at 16, and at 19 completed his first electronic work, for a Berlin theatre.

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    Yves Wilfred Clermont

    Yves Wilfrid Clermont, anatomist (born 14 August 1926 in Montréal, QC; died 10 October 2014 in Montréal). An outstanding teacher of histology, Clermont was best known as a specialist in male reproduction.

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    Yvette Lamontagne

    Yvette Lamontagne. Cellist, teacher, b Montreal 26 Dec 1898, d Montreal 18 June 1992. She studied for three years on scholarship with Gustave Labelle at the McGill Conservatory.

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    Yvon Charbonneau

    Yvon Charbonneau, teacher, president of the Centrale de l'enseignement du Québec (CEQ) (b at Mont-Laurier, Qué 11 July 1940). After studying at Université de Montréal, Charbonneau taught French and the humanities in Québec and Tunisia in 1961-69.

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    Yvonne Hubert

    Yvonne Hubert. Pianist, teacher, b Mouscron, Belgium, 28 May 1895, d Montreal 8 Jun 1988; premier prix piano (Lille Cons) 1906, premier prix piano (Paris Cons) 1911, honorary LLD (Concordia) 1981. She first took lessons at the Lille Cons.

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    Zara Nelsova

    Zara Nelsova, cellist, teacher (b at Winnipeg 23 Dec 1918; d at New York 10 Oct 2002) began playing a converted viola at the age of five with her father, a flutist and graduate of the Petrograd Conservatory.

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    Zara Nelsova

    Zara (b Sarah) Nelsova (b Nelson or Katznelson). Cellist, teacher, b Winnipeg 23 Dec 1918, naturalized US 1953, d New York 10 Oct 2002; honorary LLD (Winnipeg) 1985; honorary ARCT 1986; honorary D MUS (Smith College) 1992.

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    Joseph Patrick Ziegler

    After moving to Toronto, Ziegler was hired immediately by THEATRE PASSE MURAILLE to act in October Soldiers (about the FLQ crisis) and for the CBC's radio version of Thornton Wilder's Our Town, starring Lorne GREENE, a play he would later direct.

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    Zoltan Roman

    Zoltan Roman. Musicologist, oboist, b Miskolc, Hungary, 7 Jun 1936, naturalized Canadian 1962; B MUS (British Columbia) 1962, MA (Toronto) 1965, PH D (Toronto) 1970. He studied the oboe in Miskolc and played in its State SO and State Opera until 1956.

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