Nature & Geography | The Canadian Encyclopedia

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    Northern Gateway Pipeline Proposal

    The $7.9 billion Northern Gateway project was a pipeline proposal that Enbridge put forward in 2008. Northern Gateway would have carried diluted bitumen (“dilbit”) about 1,170 km from Bruderheim, Alberta to a terminal on the Pacific Ocean at Kitimat, British Columbia. Enbridge claimed that the project would create $1.2 billion in tax revenue for BC, as well as 560 jobs. The Federal Court of Appeal overturned the pipeline’s approval in 2016. That same year, the Liberal government of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau rejected the project.

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    Northern Leopard Frog

    The Northern leopard frog (Lithobates pipiens, previously Rana pipiens) is a green or brown frog covered in large, distinct spots. In Canada, three populations exist: the Eastern population, the Western Boreal/Prairie population and the Rocky Mountain population. The Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada characterizes the Western Boreal/Prairie and Rocky Mountain populations as special concern and endangered, respectively. The Eastern population is considered widespread and abundant, although the population has shown evidence of decline.

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    Northern Lights

    Current theory states that the energy driving auroras is obtained from the solar wind, a gas composed primarily of protons and electrons, blowing away from the SUN at supersonic velocities of 300-1000 km/s (seePHYSICS).

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  • Editorial

    Not for Saps: Tree Planting in Alberta

    Over a century’s worth of shifting environmental policy means that today, maintaining Canada’s forests is as important as cutting them down. Tree planting is an essential part of this maintenance, and each year thousands of young Canadians trek through rough conditions and remote areas to replant thousands of trees.

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    The nuthatch (Sittidae) family consists of small, tree-climbing birds with a short tail, pointed bill and long, sturdy toes and claws

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    The Oak (Quercus) is a genus of trees and shrubs of the beech family (Fagaceae). Of the estimated 200 species found worldwide, 75-80 occur in North America and 10 in Canada.

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    Oats (Avena sativa), member of the grass family (Gramineae), are grown for cereal grains.

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    Octopus is the common name for all 8-armed cephalopod molluscs; it more properly refers to the largest genus in order Octopoda (over 100 species).

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    Oilseed Crops

    Oilseed Crops are grown primarily for the oil contained in the seeds. The oil content of small grains (eg, wheat) is only 1-2%; that of oilseeds ranges from about 20% for soybeans to over 40% for sunflowers and rapeseed (canola).

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    Old Crow Plain

    The vegetation is of the tundra type, with outliers of the boreal spruce forest; willow thickets line the course of the Old Crow River.

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    Old-Growth Forests in Canada

    Old-growth forests are complex forest ecosystems that have developed over a long period of time without experiencing any major disturbances. They have unique features and significant ecological, social, cultural and economic value. Old-growth forests used to be a significant part of Canada’s forest landscape but now only exist as small, fragmented patches due to intensive logging (see Forest Harvesting), conversion of forest for agriculture, insect epidemics (see Four Major Insect Pests of Forests in Canada), wildfires and disease. Increasing measures to protect these ecosystems are being implemented across Canada to combat their continued decline.

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    Oldman River Society Case

    Several decisions of the Supreme Court relate to environmental protection: Dryden Chemicals, Crown Zellerbach and Friends of the Oldman River Society.

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    The onion (Allium cepa), is a biennial, herbaceous plant of the Amaryllidaceae family. It is Canada's most important condiment crop. (Multiplier Onion) and A.

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    The Virginia opossum (Didelphis virginiana) is Canada’s only marsupial. It belongs to one of three marsupial families native to the Americas. The Virginia opossum’s northernmost range reaches into Southern and Southeastern Ontario, Southern Quebec and the lower Fraser Valley in British Columbia. However, this range is slowly expanding north, likely due to climate change.

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    Calypso bulbosa has similar but smaller, delicate pink flowers. Some Spiranthes and Habenaria species have small, whitish, fragrant flowers in a spike. Two genera, Eburophyton (plant is white) and Corallorhiza (plant is yellow to purple), live on decaying vegetable matter.

    "" // resources/views/front/categories/view.blade.php Orchid